There is Never a Traffic Jam on the Extra Mile

 Quote #11B

There is never a traffic jam on the extra mile – Roger Staubach
an excerpt from my free eBook – 13 Life Quotes- Inspirational Life Lessons w/ a Bonus


The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Did you know that the act of just “doing” puts you in the top 1% of online business owners? Ideas are common; execution on those ideas is rare. Have you ever started a project, gotten really excited about it and then after a few days lost interest? Of course you have, we all have. Gyms are filled with people the first two weeks of January that won’t be back week three. There are millions of half written books, probably even some really good ones, sitting on the hard drives of people who got excited, started and then lost excitement and quit. Persevering until completion and getting over the mid-goal hump is important. So is going the extra mile.

The extra mile is not just good customer service, like at Nordstrom’s, but refers to everything we do. My close friend in real estate spends 2-3 hours every morning cold calling expired listings and for sale by owner properties. The work is tough and many recipients are rude but the effort has paid off. He has a number of new clients and the experience is building his character and determination. There are very few people willing to do that next step, to wake up a little earlier, come home a little later or turn off the television and put down the social distractions. Few are willing to make the effort necessary to be successful. To break out of the crowd you just need to be willing to take that extra step and go that extra mile. Because. there is never a traffic jam on the extra mile (and never will be)


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