If There is No Wind, Row

This post is an excerpt from my free eBook. You can get the rest of the book by clicking here.

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When looking at people and companies that are having success it can seem like the wind is at their backs. Every little adjustment results in forward surge. Take, for example, Apple and the iPhone. With every release they have thousands standing in lines to get the update. Even if the only change is the color you will see hundreds of eager fans.

For other companies, especially start-ups, it seems they are headed directly into the wind. Working day and night on a product or offering that is loaded with powerful features (and benefits) and yet no one notices. Malcom Gladwell writes about this in his phenomenal best-seller “Tipping Point”. The book explains the long uphill battle that companies or ideas have to make before they are noticed and the early adopters accept it. But after the long hard push something happens, the idea/company/person hits the tipping point. People begin to take notice. Success takes off.

In the beginning, no matter what the endeavor, you will have to work extra hard. Understand and recognize that your hard work will eventually pay off. When I started blogging, I released my first post to crickets. While I now have a small audience I can see momentum building. This summer I will be releasing my first podcast which will undoubtedly launch to very little listenership and that is ok. I need to row. The wind is coming and when it does I will have my boat and my business moving in the right direction to take advantage. If There is No Wind, Row!

Question: What do you need to do today? Leave your comments below or by clicking here.

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