Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude in 9 Easy Steps

The power of gratitude…how we can cultivate more of it in our lives? I hear very little argument when I tell people that there are benefits to being grateful. Everyone seems to intuitively believe that being a grateful person is important and good. But why? Here are 11 reasons why being grateful is a good idea:

Grateful Word Hello I Am Words Name Tag Sticker

  1. A grateful person builds stronger relationships. We are all in the relationships business, whether we know it or not. Everything we do from work, to home, to charity, to church involves working with others and strengthening bonds. We are a relationship driven society. Grateful people are more fun to be around and attract other people who want to experience that feeling
  2. Grateful people have more friends- not just stronger bonds, but more bonds. Grateful people never lack for friends.
  3. Grateful people tend to pay more attention to their health. Grateful people are healthier because when you feel good inside you are more prone to want to eat healthier, exercise more and consciously watch your health.
  4. Grateful people are happier- There have been numerous studies done on the relationship between gratitude and mental health. It should come as no surprise that grateful people focus on the positive and positive people experience more joy and life satisfaction.
  5. Gratitude reduces anger- cultivating a grateful demeanor could cure your road rage and calm your short temper.
  6. Grateful people have better sex- Ok I have no basis for saying that but it sounds good right? I “assume” it’s correct. So let’s go with it.
  7. Grateful people are more successful- I read a study that found that grateful people have more mental toughness and higher self-esteem. Both are key attributes required for being successful
  8. Good night’s rest- grateful people can rest their heads at night and allow the stress and troubles of the day dissipate. Focusing on what is going right in your life creates peace and happiness and an ability to relax.
  9. Grateful people make better employees- this is a combination of many of the factors above, stronger relationships, more friendships, healthier, happier and more successful- all combine to make a great employee.
  10. Grateful people are more spiritual and less materialistic. This can also be seen in the reverse, more spiritual and less materialistic people tend to be more grateful and have more to be grateful for.
  11. Grateful people look better- grateful people tend to smile more often; this communicates happiness and makes you look fabulous.

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So how do we become more grateful? It’s easy to feel gratitude and give thanks during the holidays, around special occasions or when prompted by a good turn but how about being a grateful person year-round and always? Here are 9 ways that you can cultivate an attitude of gratefulness.

  1. Notice your day-to-day world. Be conscious and aware of your surroundings, the beauty, the people, and the uniqueness. Intentionally focusing on your surroundings and the positives therein is step one to being grateful
  2. Keep a gratitude journal- keeping a record of all the things that you have to be grateful for will ensure that it is a conscious part of your thinking. The more you think about gratitude the more you will find to be grateful for.
  3. Walk away from negativity- When you find yourself in a conversation that is negative and draining walk away. I know it is easier said than done but the more you associate with positives the more you will find to be grateful for.
  4. Be humble- recognizing that good things are happening to you and that others are the cause of that goodness will remind you that sometimes we are the beneficiaries of positives we don’t create or control.
  5. Be complimentary- The more positive you act and react to those you interact with the more you will recognize the blessings in your life. People mirror behavior- if you extend gratitude you will receive gratitude in return.
  6. Learn from experience- recognize when you are feeling grateful and do more of that. Also, recognize times when you do not feel gratitude and avoid them in the future.
  7. Never complain- this might be the most difficult of the 9 ways to cultivate an attitude of gratitude which may make it the most important. We are constantly surrounded by gossip and complaining (negativity); make a conscious effort to not participate in any of it. Be the eternal positive optimist.
  8. Smile- Have you ever tried to be grumpy with a smile on your face? Bet you can’t do it. Go ahead try. When you smile on the outside you can’t help but smile on the inside. Also when you smile people you interact with will automatically smile back.
  9. Champion causes of good- go out of your way to find causes or engage in activities that do good for the less fortunate. Engage in a cause that is bigger than you and you will be amazed at how service to others reminds you of your blessings.

Use these 9 steps for cultivating an attitude of gratitude that will allow you to experience the 11 benefits grateful people experience.

Question: What benefit of gratitude have you experienced in your life? Leave your comments below or by clicking here.


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