The Cleansing Power of Hard Work

As I sit down to write tonight my hands are very sore. They have thousands of tiny cuts on them and a few blisters. The joints are tight and ache to flex. My back is sore and I am pretty sure that I am sunburned. It was a beautiful day today. The type of day you just can’t help but work in the yard.

We had a lot to do. I admit that I haven’t been the most diligent on keeping up with the yard. I haven’t mowed in more than a month. And weeding? Probably haven’t done it in more than a year (and it was bad). And then on the side of our driveway we had a huge (and I mean huge 20’ x 10’) patch of juniper bush that had been growing wild for years. Well for some reason my wife thought today would be ideal to get someone to watch the kids and tackle the yard. I enjoy working in the yard and look forward to spending time in the sun.

Today we had 4 hours cutting, chopping, mowing, pulling, sweeping and cleaning. Now that the day is coming to a close, I can feel that I am really sore and truly tired. It was a lot of effort. But it was effort and work that I needed today. Sometimes we need to get out of the house and into the sunshine and work hard. Work on tasks that take very little mental energy, more physical energy and allow our minds to wander.

Throughout the time we were working we had neighbors stop by and friends drive by and stop and talk. Everyone had smiles and was having a great day. It was really rewarding for at least 4 reasons

1-      Break the routine. Getting out and doing something that is not my usual daily routine adds variety and interests the mind. It is a change and requires different kinds of thinking.

2-      Physical- the exercise didn’t hurt either. I have been so busy lately that an area that I have neglected is my exercise. I have spent a lot of time in front of the computer screen and not much time doing anything else. My body was screaming for a chance to move and stretch and use my strength. I know I will feel it tomorrow- I am sure that I will hurt so good.

3-      Satisfaction of completion- Sometimes (ok maybe always) it feels great to accomplish a task. A lot of what we set out to accomplish at work and at home is ongoing and doesn’t have a clear point of completion. We try to celebrate incremental victories along the way. It is important that we do that. Today was rewarding because as we finished we could take a step back and admire our work. We were able to set a goal, work hard and then have the satisfaction of completion.

4-      Social- We do not typically spend a lot of time outside at our home. We do get out in the backyard quite a bit to barbeque and enjoy the weather but it is very seldom that “hang out” in the front yard. Today as we worked in the yard we had a number of neighbors and friends that drove by or stopped by. Getting us out of our routine helped us interact and be more social with our neighbors.

I am definitely headed to bed early tonight. I had a great day, accomplished some great work and spent some time with friends and of course my wife. Getting out and working hard was a great decision today for a number of reason.


Question: What other rewards have you found when you break your routine and get outside and work hard? Leave your comments below or by clicking here.


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