You Are Somebody…Do Something – An excerpt from my Free eBook – 13 Life Lessons

This post is an excerpt from my free eBook. You can get the rest of the book by clicking here.

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I Always Wondered Why Somebody Didn’t Do Something About That, Then I Realized I Was Somebody.

There are too many people that sit back and provide observations on the world. They watch television acting as arm chair commentators on the news, the state of society and politics. They take to newspaper op eds, comment on blogs or stand on their Facebook or Twitter soapbox to give their opinion of how things should be. Very few do more than comment and complain.

But occasionally there are those who recognize they are “somebody” and they can do something. Like Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus who is credited with creating the microfinance loan revolution. His idea, give smaller low interest loans to groups of individuals in the poorest places in the world, was the beginning of the rise in emerging nations. He gave people the small boost they needed to start ventures and escape the struggles poverty.

Muhammad Yunus is just one person, with an idea, that changed the world. You have that ability. You can be somebody with an idea that makes a difference. You can do something.

Question: What project or goal are you working on right now? Leave your comments below or by clicking here

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