Stop Asking Permission – An excerpt from my Free eBook – 13 Life Lessons

This post is an excerpt from my free eBook. You can get the rest of the book by clicking here.

Quote #4 (1)

We have all heard the saying that “it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission”. To become great you have to take risks and do things others are unwilling to do. When Jeff Bezos started his online bookstore, Amazon, most told him he was crazy, “that will never work.” Walt Disney had similar experiences. Every great entrepreneur and leader has had to make decisions that were questioned. What made them successful was knowing when to adjust, adapt, expand and eliminate, blocking out the naysayers.

When I first started my business, I shared my ideas with a few close friends. The typical response was “why”? I have a secure job that provides a nice life for my family. I take vacation time and can watch television or go out with friends. Starting a business took money and time and made it so that I wasn’t able to do as much. This is often the case when starting new endeavors. Your excitement causes those closest to you to reflect on their lives. They may feel threatened or jealous and subconsciously try to drag you down.

When you feel something strongly and have committed yourself, you have the permission to go after it. To do something great you must follow your heart- give yourself permission to be great.

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